Welcome to My World!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

It's a new year and I'm gonna try this again!  I had a blog a couple of years ago and I did pretty good with it, but I just think this title is way more appropriate now!  While I WAS a Happy Scrapper... I have BECOME a CRAZY CROPPER!!!  And since my dog is getting hard of hearing, Facebook seems a little TOO public and I'm really tired of talking to myself, I've decided to start journaling (blogging) again!

Why is it that the first day of a new year just seems to be the right time to start something new?  I guess we feel that along with a "new year" comes a "new leaf" to turn over.  I don't like resolutions because it seems to become more of a reason NOT to do something for me!  I'm a little rebellious that way, I guess!

So... welcome to my world (and my thoughts).  Oh, and please, humor me... leave me a message now and again, so I KNOW I'm not talking to myself!

Oh, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!  I hope the best for you and yours!

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