Welcome to My World!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Check List

  • Made new business cards for Crazy Cropper Scrapbook Retreats - CHECK
  • Checked on pricing for goody bag stuff for April Retreat - CHECK
  • Updated OWH contacts in Constant Contact - CHECK
  • Sent Operation Write Home email re Jan 22nd - CHECK
  • Found new background for Retreat blog (not exactly what I wanted....but, it'll do - CHECK
  • Sent Close to My Heart January Specials Newsletter - CHECK
  • Fielded over 100 emails in response to above sent emails - CHECK
  • Worked on Retreat Contacts and processed payments - CHECK
  • Finalized plans for this Saturday - CHECK
  • Organized paperwork and tossed a bunch of junk from desk - CHECK
  • Somewhat organized Scrapbook area - CHECK
  • Made homemade toffee...and failed... burned the butter - CHECK
  • Got laundry ALL caught up! - CHECK
  • Christmas Tree down and put away - NOT!

Ok... that just felt better to put that all down in writing.  Maybe my weekend wasn't wasted!!! And I don't feel so bad about not taking down the Christmas tree!!!  It's not that I'm lazy about doing it, I just LOVE it up!

Oh, and going back to work yesterday was not bad at all.  You just know that getting back to work after being gone for a few days is usually painful, but it wasn't not bad.  I actually got a lot accomplished!

I got this awesome book for Christmas... It's call Organize Now!:  A Week by Week Guide to Simplify Your Space and Your Life... by Jennifer Ford Berry.  Go check it out on Amazon... Organize Now!   It is really good... if you are looking for help organizing your life!  I love organization books.  One day, I will find one that works... this just may be it!

Gotta go get ready for work!  Have a great Tuesday!


  1. Fantastic Job! Love your new blog...
    YOUR turn..check out mine!

  2. Karen I'm always visiting your blog! I need to follow! I totally forget to do that!

    Hey Suzy! My first! If we were at the retreat you'd get some crop cash or an extra ticket or at least a ring of the cowbell for that!
