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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Cricut Class in Joplin... SCRAPS Scrapbooking Store

We had such a great time at the Cricut Classes at SCRAPS in Joplin yesterday.  There was a full house and everyone seemed so eager to learn.  I can't tell you how many "lightbulb" moments we had.  I absolutely LOVE that!  It's how I can truly tell if I am teaching them something they don't already know!

First was the Using Your Cricut class from 10 to 12.  There were 7 students.  Then, from 12:30 - 2:30, there was the Beginning Design Studio class... again, we had 7 students.  Everyone was so enthusiastic, which was just contagious.

I can't wait to go back and teach them more!

Today, I'm getting some much needed organizing done here at home.  My desk is just out of control.  I am needing to get started on my taxes, so I need to start organizing my receipts... but first, I have to gather them all!  And that is going to be a chore!  But it's not going to get done until it gets started!

And I've just come to terms with the fact that I am less than 2 months out from my Spring Retreat in April!  So, I am now in RETREAT MODE... which means life is going to get CRAZY!!!  But that's okay.  It's what I love to do.

Ok, well, I'm off to get busy!  Have a great Sunday!

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