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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

10 Inches and I'm Home Today!

I got to work yesterday and by 9:30 they announced they were closing at 10:00.  It was coming down so hard.  It was pretty, but a little ominous!  At 9:45, another announcement saying we could leave whenever we wanted!  So, I headed out and started my journey home.  Cleaning the car off was the first challenge.  I couldn't believe how much snow had come down in such a short period of time!  Then, to the roads!  It was crazy!  At least there wasn't a lot of people on the roads and that did help.  That was probably the scariest drive home ever!  But, I made it!  And when I got home, I put on my sweats, turned on the fireplace and hunkered down!  I had gone to the store Sunday, so I had food and all that was left to do was to ride it out.  And it snowed, and snowed and then the wind blowed and blowed!  We ended up with 10 inches... not what we were expecting, but it was plenty for me! 

Today, I got up and I did not feel good.  I had a sore throat and was hurting all over.  I looked out and saw there was no way I was going to get out my drive, so I called in, took a vacation day and I'm staying in.  About 9, I went back to bed and slept a couple of hours and got up feeling better. 

So, now, I'm doing a little cleaning and then, I may do some work work.  My silly dog doesn't know if she wants to be inside where its warm or outside in the sunshine!  I think she's confused how the sun can be so bright and yet it's SOOOOO cold!

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