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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Busy Week so far!

Sunday, I was in Blue Eye for a Cricut Class.  Monday night, birthday dinner with friends (love you guys!).  Tuesday night, a 31 Bag party at Robin's with Lyla!  Met a couple of new "retreaters" who are just as excited about the retreat as I am!  WOOHOO!  Can't wait!

And now, I'm off to work for another busy, busy day!  Hopefully, when I get home tonight, I can crash for a while.  I need some downtime as I'm feeling the busyness in my bones!  I'm TIRED!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

It's Sunday Already!

We had so much fun yesterday at Aunt Gracie's 106th Birthday Party!  She looks fabulous, doesn't she!

Bless her heart, she was such a trooper!  She was up and out of bed and hanging out with everyone... for the entire 2 hours!  She even blew out her own candles!  And the rest of us had such a great time sitting around talking and planning for the Cousin's Reunion in JUNE!!!  It'll be here before we know it!

I'm off to Blue Eye this afternoon for a Cricut Class for my friend, Carol.  We always have such a great time!  And this morning, I'm actually getting some work on my house done!  WOOHOO!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Update from Sunday's ToDo list!

 Here is my list... and what I've gotten done!
  • the order for the T-shirts done - DONE
  • the Close to My Heart order input - DONE, so far... waiting for a couple more orders
  • the Tombow orders put together and ordered - DONE
  • OWH kits made - DONE... well, not really... I had to cancel the upcoming date... just couldn't do it.
  • Taxes worked on some more - Thought about doing!
  • my house worked on... it's been neglected so badly lately! - made my bed!
  • laundry going so I'll have clothes to wear tomorrow! - got one load done... still in dryer today!
  • go look at the mower we are buying - DONE and it got delivered last night!  Love it and love JD!
  • stuff put away from yesterday - Which YESTERDAY?  I'm always putting stuff away from YESTERDAY!
I'm QUITE impressed with THAT list!  I know, I know, it took me until Monday night to get it all done, but I did!  Sort of!  But, it's really close!

And this doesn't even include what Vickie and I got done on Sunday!  She was bringing stuff back to me and we ended up going through all the prizes and listing them.  I got stuff ordered from CTMH.  So, now, PRIZES ARE DONE!  Thanks, Vickie!  That was a really nice surprise!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Weekends Just Go TOO Fast!

Classes in Joplin went GREAT yesterday!  It was a full house for all three.  I was so worried about the Gypsy class, but it was fantastic!  I had done a Powerpoint and then, I showed a couple of youtube videos from ProvoCraft.  I think everyone enjoyed it.  It was definitely one of the quietest classes I've ever done.  If you can imagine a group of ladies, heads down, concentrating on that little device that makes no noise while you are working on it... well, you get the picture!  The greatest thing was the fact that when we got there, the majority of the class didn't even know how to turn the thing on!  Seriously!  I love groups like that because I just look SO smart!  By the time we were done, they were putting together letters and welding them!  YeeHaw!

It was a long day, though.  I left here a little before 8 and drove to Joplin.  Classes ran until 5:30 or so and then  several of us sat around and chatted.  I didn't get loaded up and out of there til close to 6:30.  Stopped at Lane Bryant and grabbed some dinner at Schlotsky's and got home close to 8.  I was exhausted!  And was in bed by 8:30.  I played on my DS til John called at 10.  And then, I slept until 7 this morning!  Which is a LONG time for me!

Judy has already been over for coffee and has gone home... so, I'm trying to decide what to put on my plate today.

Gotta get
  • the order for the T-shirts done
  • the Close to My Heart order input
  • the Tombow orders put together and ordered
  • OWH kits made
  • Taxes worked on some more
  • my house worked on... it's been neglected so badly lately!
  • laundry going so I'll have clothes to wear tomorrow!
  • go look at the mower we are buying
  • stuff put away from yesterday

ok, I'm already tired again!  OH, and it's supposed to be beautiful outside today, so, I'd love to be able to get out there and do something!

Check back tomorrow to see my progress! (this really is my to do list and a great place to keep track of it!)

Friday, March 18, 2011

Update on My Grill

I know you all have just been waiting on an update on my grill!  I mean afterall... a grill is very important in the Springtime!

Anyway, I simply hadn't had time to get back to WalMart.  I hadn't even called!  Well, my brother was here yesterday and as we were leaving for dinner last night, I said "Hey... come and look at my grill real fast"!  So he got the gas line and connector taken of and was looking at it and all and figured out the tank was defective!  Who would've thought!  It was missing something because the connector didn't fit tight enough.  So, we loaded it up in the van and took it back to Pump Handle, where I got it.  Sure enough, they looked at it and tried the connector (yes, he was smart enough to take it with us) on another one and it worked just fine!

We brought it back to the house and he put it on and voila', it worked perfectly!  I am thrilled and just may have to make burgers tonight!!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Get an Extra Drawing Ticket HERE

Ok, this is fun!  Who would have thought to drag you all over HERE!!! 

All ya gotta do is post a comment and tell me how many RETREATS of MINE you have attended!  That's it.  It's simple!  And earn another DRAWING TICKET!


I didn't do TOO bad... Here is what I DID get done...
  • Gathered and organized receipts and got taxes started... and then found another box of receipts to go through, so put them all away
  • Started a load of laundry... that was Saturday... they made it to the dryer last night
  • Finish Cleaning out the garage... well, I got the retreat stuff cleaned out and organized, which was HALF the garage
  • Clean out scrapbook area and... DIDN'T HAPPEN!
  • Go take a couple of pictures for a friend in Nixa... DONE.
  • Move new grill to the back porch, get rid of old one and get LP tank filled... got it moved... old one moved to the front... gas tank filled... fired it up to fix some chicken for dinner... new grill leaks GAS!  DANG!  Gotta call WalMart
  • Sweep off back porch... too many gas fumes... made me dizzy... Judy fixed dinner and we stayed inside... will sweep leaves and burn them when fumes are GONE
Ok.  So, all in all, it wasn't TOO bad.  Last night, Brad picked Emily... good thing!  Tonight, retreat work night with my STAFF!  Another good thing!

I won't even talk about what the rest of the week holds.... I get tired just thinking about it!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

It's Saturday! And Nothing Planned... yeah, right.

This is my only weekend before the retreat in April that I don't have anything planned, so... I am going to do the following....
  • Gather and organize receipts so I can get taxes started.
  • Do laundry
  • Finish cleaning out garage
  • Clean our scrapbook area and start gathering stuff for the Scrap Pool
  • Clean off dining room table (yes, it's a disaster... leftover from OWH)
  • Go take a couple of pictures for a friend in Nixa
  • Move my new grill to the back yard, get rid of old one and get LP gas filled
  • Sweep off back porch (gotta get rid of those leaves)
Ok... never mind... NOT a NOTHING WEEKEND.... well, as mom used to say.."there's never any rest for the wicked and I must be the wickedest woman in town"!  <sigh>

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Crazy in Crazy Cropper!

There are days when I just laugh when I see or hear "Crazy Cropper"!  The more I hear it, the more I like it!  And the more I realize how definitive it is of my life!  And how people who join my groups become the same way!  Isn't that hilarious!  Are least I think so... I wonder about them? 

Anyway, I just realized I haven't updated my blog since last Friday!  OWH on Saturday was amazing!  We had 11 ladies there, which was a fairly small group, but we we extremely productive!  With cards that people worked on prior to the get-together, what we all did that day and the few that is straggling in since, I am quite hopeful that we will hit 2000 cards to mail.... TWO THOUSAND CARDS!!!  That is CRAZY!  (see, there is THAT word again!)

Then Saturday night, Judy and I went to the Carver Middle School Booster Club fundraiser.  We had such a good time.    And we seemed to be quite entertaining as we were bidding against each other on the Silpada auction item!  Geez.  Good thing the money was for a good cause!  And, it was so good to see Mary Jo and Ed.  Love those, two!

Sunday was spent doing some shopping (WalMart, Michael and JoAnn's).  Ran into friends at Michael's and my grandson's aunt Carol at JoAnn's and my sister's old, old friend at WalMart!  Crazy day!  I also found a new grill and WalMart put it together for me for FREE!!!   (boy, that $1,000 gift card is almost gone!)

Vickie came by Monday night and she took me to WalMart to pick up the grill and she helped me get my mind organized for the retreat.  Sometimes, it's just such a jumbled mess, I need someone else to get into it and organize it!  We found a bunch of things for prizes online and got those ordered!  WOOHOO!  Thanks, Vickie... you do that so well!

Last night, I got home about 6, spent about an hour on "retreat stuff" and then, I forced myself to the couch to just chill in front of the TV.  It felt so good! 

Tonight, I've got ladies coming by for this and that and before I know it, the weekend will be here!  This weekend, I MUST focus on getting receipts together to start working on taxes.  It is my TOP PRIORITY!  I just hope it's nasty outside or I'm gonna want to be out there instead and I CAN'T!!!

Well, gotta go... it's off to get ready for work for me!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Operation Write Home - Tomorrow!

As I was packing up stuff for tomorrow, I decided to take a break and update my blog.  Kind of scary how my mind works, isn't it... How DID I get from packing up stuff for OWH to sitting down at the computer and updating my BLOG!!!  Like I said... kind of SCARY!

Anyway, as I was packing everything, I realized I get more efficient each time.  Which is awesome!  Packing less, means hauling less and unpacking less later!  I also learned that a ton of time could be saved if the card bases in the kits were pre-stamped (the backs)!  That way, all we have to do when they are done is tuck them in envelopes and sort them!  I'm very excited to see how that is going to go!

I ran into a guy in the hall at work today, who I've been meaning to talk to about OWH.  I was telling him what we are doing and he thought it was awesome.  You see, he served time in Iraq and he understands what it was like to actually BE there.  He also understands how important it is to keep in touch with loved ones back home. I asked him if he would be willing to come and talk to our group sometime.  He was more than happy to do so!  He would have been there tomorrow, but it was a little short notice and he already had plans with his dad.  I am just so thrilled he will join us and I think he will be such an inspiration to everyone.  Thanks, John Elet!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Crazy Cropper Retreat

Well, today is March 1st and is the deadline for paying/signing up for the 2011 Spring Scrapbook Retreat.  Needless to say, my Blackberry has been dinging ALL DAY!!!  NO one wants to miss this retreat!  It's full and it's going to be FABULOUS!  I cannot even believe we have 60 CRAZY CROPPERS coming together for one amazing event in April. And everything is coming together for it.  If you are joining us, I am thrilled and can't wait to see you there!  If not, let me know if you'd like to get on a list for next time!  It fills up so fast, but if I can, I will try my best!  Off to watch American Idol and finish up some more emails!