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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Peaceful Sunday

Today is such a wonderful, peaceful Sunday.  We've had some rain and are expecting some more and that just works well with my plans for the day... which is to stay inside, make some cards, clean house a bit and do some laundry... oh, and be a little lazy if time allows!

Shelly and Devin came in Friday night and Shelly and I went to Nathan P. Murphy's benefit jam.  John and his band, Bert Smith and the Walk, were the headliner and it was also their CD release party.  We had a great time, but weren't out too terribly late... I had to laugh at Shelly talking about how "old" she felt!  Then, Saturday morning, we were up early and after feeding Devin breakfast, we headed out to his some g-sales.  Didn't fine much, but had a great time!  Got home, fed Dev and they headed back to Chanute.

I had my scrappin' buddies coming over at 2 to play all afternoon and stay for dinner, however, that was abruptly interrupted when I got a call from Lavon telling me her daughter had been in an accident with a truck and they didn't know her status, just that she was in an ambulance on the way to the hospital.  Yikes!

After several hours and lots of tests, they determined that she was more beat up than anything.  She works at a truck sales company and was starting up a 1ton pickup.  Somehow, the thing jumped out of gear, knocked her down and ran over her right leg and then the middle part of her body.  She had tire tracks across her stomach!  She's going to be fine, thank God, but she's also going to be very sore for a while.  It could have been so much worse and everyone is so thankful that it wasn't.

Michelle, Vickie and I headed up to the ER to provide some support for Lavon and Deb.  We stayed for a short while and on our way out, were able to stop in and say hi to Melissa.  We headed on home and enjoyed the rest of the afternoon.  We were pleasantly surprised to look up around 7 to Lavon and Deb coming in the front door.  Deb had convinced her she needed to eat and thought we'd be just the right place to do so!  Sure was plenty of chili!

So, today, I'm just chillin'.  Getting ready to head into the work week tomorrow.  At least I feel very rested, refreshed and ready!

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