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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

One Month? Where did THAT go?

I can't believe it's been a month since I last blogged.  I know I've gone longer than that, but I really don't like to.  I actually love blogging.  I noticed my last log was not long after my surgery.  You'd have thought those 3 weeks I was off work would have given me plenty of time to "catch up".  But instead, I just got distracted and dropped the ball!

Well, here goes... my feeble attempt to get "caught up".  Of course, November brought us Thanksgiving.  As in the usual vein, we all went to Jim Bob and Sue's.  But this year was a little different.  We were ALL there!  I think the count was 42!

Here is my group.  I love this picture and can't wait to scrapbook it (which, by the way, I think I am planning to spend New Year's Eve weekend scrapbooking.  It just seems to be the thing to do on a weekend like that!

JR, Devin, Shelly, Me, David, Stacy, Brenden and Trella

And here is our entire group.  I wish I could tag the names because I just don't think labeling is going to work!

As always, we had a great time.  It was so awesome having the whole family together.  Mom and Daddy would have been so proud to see this group.

So, after Thanksgiving, the Christmas shopping began!  All I can say, is THANK GOD FOR THE INTERNET!!!  I cannot begin to explain how much I hate shopping.  I hate everything about it!  But, I LOVE Amazon Prime!  I can shop till my fingernails fall off and all my shipping is FREE!!!

And then, the weekend after Christmas brought Devin's 3rd birthday party.  Look at this party animal.  He was so good and had a great time.

Then, the following weekend (last weekend) was my annual HM Christmas Party.  A great bunch of ladies get together at my house for an all day, eat, talk and scrap fest.  And when I say all day, I mean ALL DAY!  They arrive around 8am and stay till almost midnight!  Usually, we have a cookie exchange and a dirty Santa game, but this year we did an ornament exchange.  I was amazed at how much trouble this caused everyone!  In the end it worked out wonderfully, but SOME people really struggled!  Note to self... no more ornament exchanges!

Here's a pic of our group (minus Keli... she had to leave early and we didn't get a pic of all of us, so we are hopeful that Jeanne will get her Photoshopped in!)

Front row: Becky, Judy, Vickie - Back row: Michelle, Me, Brenda, Lavon and Jeanne

NOW that all that is behind me, I am now moving into the weekend of the Lewis Family Christmas.  Stacy, David and the kids will be here Saturday and we will have our big deal on Sunday.  That will move us into the following weekend, which is CHRISTMAS!  My plans are to drive to KC on Friday and to Chanute on Saturday and home on Monday.  Then, New Years Eve/Day weekend should be quiet and alone here at home.

So, now, you are all caught up!  And so am I!  Phew!!!  Happy Holidays!!!

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