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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Interesting Night at Pricecutter's

As I'm walking toward the door, I notice a lady walking toward me, fast, but looking behind her. I then notice a guy running out the door yelling STOP. The lady keeps walking but as the guy gets closer to me (and now right in front of me) she throws something down on the drive and runs to a truck, jumps in and starts backing up... a lady stands right behind the truck so it couldn't go anywhere... by then, they guy says she was stealing! The dude driving the truck starts yelling at us (several, including me, had now gathered behind the truck) to move (no, he really wasn't that nice!) The store manager came out and said since she dropped the stuff to let her go. We moved and they took off. She had a $54 bag of crab legs under her jacket! Very weird. They bought us Starbucks for trying to help!
 In hindsight, I'm a little unnerved.  You know, there are truly crazy people in this world.  I guess tonight, I'm very thankful he didn't pull a gun on us or something crazy like that.  I probably need to think before I act next time, huh!  I'm old enough to know better!

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