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Monday, October 3, 2011

Just got my E2 Anniversary Edition!!!

I am so excited, but I wouldn't have said that earlier!  I got home and the UPS tracking website said my new Cricut was delivered at 12:22 this afternoon... to my porch.  I don't think so!!!  There was nothing on my porch when I got home.  Well, after several phone calls, I finally heard back from the UPS dispatcher here in Springfield (by the way, she works all night and was VERY nice!) She tracked down the driver and learned that he specifically remembered where he dropped it off and after hearing his description, it was clear it wasn't my house!  He finished his deliveries and about 8pm, he showed up on MY porch with MY package!  I was so happy!

I've already unpacked and have it all figured out.  I haven't cut with it yet, but I am totally ready to!  But, I need to get my retreat stuff all done, first... and my taxes.  Dang it!  Back in April, when I was so stressed out about my taxes, I filed for an extension...and then I just forgot about them.  They have to be done by October 15th.  Guess we know what I'll be doing all weekend!  Good thing I've got almost everything done for the retreat!

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